About One Million Wells Current Projects

Partnering with Dr. Cindy Ross and CHAD (Changing Hearts Against Diversity

We are partnering with Dr. Cindy Ross and CHAD (Changing Hearts Against Diversity) of Orange Beach, AL to help empower the Maasai tribes with the knowledge and technology to drill water wells for themselves.  There are 2 million Maasi; 1.2 Million in Kenya and 800,000 in Tanzania. Dr. Cindy and CHAD have been in the Masai Mara area through that organization. Our partnership will not only lower their well costs from $70,000 to $2,500* but also provide a new way for individuals in the Masaai tribe to serve others on a volunteer basis or start a business and use well drilling to provide for their families.

*This cost excludes the cost for air compressor and other tools needed which can be reused until a replacement is needed.


About One Million Wells Current Projects

OMW will be breaking ground on this life changing facility in April 2023

During one of our drilling and training trips to Uganda in 2022 OMW visited Transform the Needy Child (TTNC) orphanage. The orphanage has 58 children hanging on by hope and the will to live. Currently the children have no sleeping facilities, no running water, no privacy, no sanitary supplies, no security, and are vulnerable to the risks of kidnapping and child trafficking on a daily basis.

The caregivers are passionately devoted and are caringly attentive to the needs of these children. They strive to give the children the understanding of God’s love yet lack even the most meager of housing, shelter, and sustaining nourishment required for human existence. OMW is committed to providing these basics through building a facility for 72 children. A facility that will house, provide sanitation, feed, nurture, educate, and train these children to create generational changes in their lives and the lives of others.


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We have committed and received $36,600 dedicated for this project. The TTNC project will showcase the capacity of change a complete water neighborhood will bring to a group of people once they have water. The TTNC project will provide a well, irrigation, indoor plumbing, cooking/eating, and sleeping quarters all safe from the elements. Secure classrooms and educational facilities for the first time in their lives.

This project will have a garden and agricultural skills will be taught to grow their own food. Industrial skills will be taught to help equip the teens with marketable personal assets once they leave the orphanage environment. Graduate mentoring services, training, and other important life skills to help break the cycle of devastation will be offered by our partner in this project, Flint Global.

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Raised So Far!
What is a Water Neighborhood and Who/How does it benefit?
Click below to view the slides

Support Us


We know it physically is impossible for the small – but growing – team at One Million Wells to do it alone. So, to realize that goal and to achieve our mission, we need your help! Please share this printable .pdf with your friends and family to help us serve these sweet children in Uganda!

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